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Electronic newsletters are published on a regular basis. Please note that they are only available in German.

German Region of the International Biometric Society

The German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR) is composed of all members of the International Biometric Society located in Germany. Upon written request, scientists from other countries may be granted a membership in consultation with the general council of the society (Council).

The society or the German region, respectively, has the purpose to promote biometrics in research, teaching and practice. This purpose is being pursued by means of, in particular, organizing and holding scientific colloquia and congresses, by supporting scientific working groups and by publishing scientific publications.

The terms “Biometrics” and “Biometry” have been used since early in the 20th century to refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences.

Statistical methods for the analysis of data from agricultural field experiments to compare the yields of different varieties of wheat, for the analysis of data from human clinical trials evaluating the relative effectiveness of competing therapies for disease, or for the analysis of data from environmental studies on the effects of air or water pollution on the appearance of human disease in a region or country are all examples of problems that would fall under the umbrella of “Biometrics” as the term has been historically used.

The term “Biometrics” has also been used to refer to the field of technology devoted to the identification of individuals using biological traits, such as those based on retinal or iris scanning, fingerprints, or face recognition. The International Biometric Society is not engaged in research, marketing, or reporting related to this technology. For further information, see the website of the International Biometric Society.

Upcoming events

July 22 - 26, 2024
Event: 32nd Summer School of Epidemiology / 9th German Collaborative Summer School in Epidemiology
Location: Ulm
Further Informationen: Flyer

July 28 - 31, 2024
Event: Workshop of the Working Groups Statistical Computing (IBS-DR/GMDS) und Klassifikation und Datenanalyse in den Biowissenschaften (GfKl)
Location: Schloss Reisensburg (Günzburg)
Further Information: Website

August 28 - 29, 2024
Event: Symposium "Recent Advances in Meta-Analysis"
Location: Göttingen
Further Informationen: here

September 17 - 18, 2024
Event: Causal Inference in Time-to-Event Analysis. Workshop der Working Group Statistics of Stochastic Processes
Ort: TU Dortmund
Abstract-Deadline: 24.07.2024
Weitere Informationen: Website

September 18 - 19, 2024
Event: KonKIS 2024 - Conferenz of the German AI Service Centres
Location: Alte Mensa, Göttingen
Further Information: here

September 25 - 27, 2024
Event: Non-Clinical Statistics Conference 2024
Location: Wiesbaden
Further Information: here

October 7 - 8, 2024
Event: SmallData Symposium 2024
Location: Freiburg
Further Information: here
Abstract Deadline: 12. July
Registration by September 10th:

October 9, 2024
Event: Online seminar "Seminars in Biostatistics". Talk of PD Dr. Alexander Hapfelmeier and PD Dr. Bernhard Haller on "Statistische Beratung an einem Universitätsklinikum – Persönliche Erfahrungen und kritische Auseinandersetzung"
Location: online
Further Information: Newsletter registration (IBS members only)

November 11, 2025
Event: Workshop "Biometrie-Lehre zu Künstlicher Intelligenz" of the Working Group Lehre und Didaktik der Biometrie
Location: Bielefeld
Abstract Dedaline: October 10
Further Information: Flyer

November 18, 2024
Event: Online seminar "Seminars in Biostatistics". Talk of Prof. Dr. Beyersmann
Location: online
Further Information: Newsletter registration (IBS members only)

December 5-6, 2024
Event: Workshop "Hierarchical Models in Preclinical Research" of the Working Groups Non-Clinical Statistics und Bayes Methods
Location: Göttingen and Online
Further Informationen: Call for Papers / First Announcement

December 8 - 13, 2024
Event: International Biometric Conference
Location: Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
Further Information: IBC2024 Website

February, 26 - 27, 2025
Event: Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop
Location: Regensburg
Abstract Dedaline: Submission of abstracts will close in December 2024 (tba)
Further Information: Homepage. There will also be a pre-workshop/short course on Bayesian Adaptive Trials from 24th-25th February 2025.

March 24 - 28, 2025
Event: 71st Biometrical Colloquium within DAGStat Conference 2025
Location: Berlin