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Joint biometry workshop

5th joint biometry workshop of the IBS-DR working groups Ecology and Environment, Bayes Methods and Spatial Statistics as well as the DVFFA working group Biometry

Würzburg, October 7-9, 2015

(Würzburg University, Hubland Campus, Building G6, Room 2.007)




Wednesday, October 7, 2015:

13:45-15:00L. Mehtätalo (Universities of Eastern Finland and Helsinki): Mixed-effects models in theory and practice (Tutorial I)
15:30-16:30L. Mehtätalo (Universities of Eastern Finland and Helsinki): Mixed-effects models in theory and practice (Tutorial II)
16:30-17:00C. Vonderach, G. Kändler (Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg): How to quantify nutrient export: Additive biomass functions for spruce fit with nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression[abstract] [slides]
17:00-17:30H. Schmidt, G. Nehmiz (Boehringer Ingelheim, Biberach): A practical GLMM example: network meta-analysis of studies of binary outcomes - occurrence of exacerbations in COPD patients

[abstract] [slides]


Thursday, October 8, 2015:

09:00-10:30L. Mehtätalo (Universities of Eastern Finland and Helsinki): Mixed-effects models in theory and practice (Tutorial III)
11:00-11:30C. Staubach (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Insel Riems): Climate change and animal infections[abstract]
11:30-12:00A. Fröhlich (Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Insel Riems): Unterstützende räumliche Informationen für Entscheidungen, die auf imperfekten Meßverfahren basieren[abstract] [slides]
13:30-14:00R. Schlicht (TU Dresden): Statistical inference: decision-theoretic perspective[abstract] [slides]
14:00-15:30L. Mehtätalo (Universities of Eastern Finland and Helsinki): Mixed-effects models in theory and practice (Tutorial IV)


Friday, October 9, 2015:

09:00-10:30L. Mehtätalo (Universities of Eastern Finland and Helsinki): Mixed-effects models in theory and practice (Tutorial V)
11:00-11:30J. Campagna, A. Davranche (Angers University): Comparing CART and random forest for the monitoring of wetland vegetation with multispectral data[abstract] [slides]
11:30-12:00S. Hill (Universität Würzburg): Predicting the forest development after natural disturbance in the Bavarian Forest National Park using airborne LiDAR[abstract] [slides]