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Workshop on Computational Models in Biology and Medicine 2018


Joint workshop of the GMDS/IBS-DR working groups "Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics" and "Mathematical Models in Medicine and Biology"

March 8th-9th, 2018, University of Regensburg, Germany

Workshop outline

This workshop intends to bring together researchers from different research areas such as bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology, who are interested in modelling and analysis of biological systems or in the development of statistical methods with applications in biology and medicine.

Planned Sessions

  • Bioinformatics in Infection Research
  • Systems Biology and Modelling
  • Bioinformatics in Personalized Medicine
  • Open Topics

Keynote speakers

  • Carsten Marr (München): Talk "Quantifying cellular dynamics of stem cell decisions"
  • Nico Pfeifer (Tübingen): Talk "Analyzing the interplay between HIV-1 and the immune system"


Thursday, March 8, 2018

12:45-13:00 Workshop Opening

Session 1 (Chair: Klaus Jung) - Signaling and disease
13:00-13:45 Keynote: Nico Pfeifer
Analyzing the interplay between HIV-1 and the immune system
13:45-14:10 Marco Blickendorf
Comparative agent-based modeling of A. fumigatus infections in mice and men
14:10-14:35 Ananya Rastogi
Modelling of Cooperativity Mechanisms in T cell Killing
14:35-15:00 Anastasios Siokis
An agent-based model for the F-actin driven localization of TCR, LFA-1 and CD28 in the immunological synapse

15:00-16:00 Coffee break & poster session

Session 2 (Chair: Ingmar Glauche) - Modelling hematopoiesis and cancer
16:00-16:45 Keynote: Carsten Marr
Quantifying cellular dynamics of stem cell decisions
16:45-17:10 Yuri Kheifetz
Integral individualized model of hematopiesis explains dynamics of thrombocates, granulocytes and lymphocytes under different chemotherapeutic and supportive treatment scenarios
17:10-17:35 Xin Lai
Modelling repression of E2F1 by cooperative microRNA pairs in the context of anticancer chemotherapy resistance
17:35-18:00 Jens Przybilla
Computational modelling of DNA de-methylation treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

19:30 Social event - Restaurant 'Dicker Mann'

Friday, March 9, 2018

Session 3 (Chair: Holger Fröhlich) - Machine Learing applications
08:30-08:55 Thomas Gerlach
Predicting comorbitities of epilepsy patients using big data from Electronic Health Records combined with biomedical knowledge
08:55-09:20 Klaus Jung
Assessing false positive findings in a viral detection pipeline using high-throughput sequencing data
09:20-09:45 Franziska Görtler
Loss-Function Learning for Digital Tissue Deconvolution
09:45-10:10 Moritz Hess
A deep learning approach for uncovering lung cancer immune patterns

10:10-11:00 Coffee break

Session 4 (Chair: Markus Scholz) - Open Topics
11:00-11:25 Nicole Radde
From heterogeneuos data of biological systems to quantitative predictive models
11:25-11:50 Thomas Zerjatke
Quantitative Cell Cycle Analysis Based on an Endogenous All-in-One Reporter for Cell Tracking and Classification
11:50-12:15 Volker Schmid
Quantitative analysis of the 3D nuclear landscape
12:15-12:40 Florian Auer
NDExR and Cytoscape: Interactive and automated visualization of biological networks using R

12:40-13:00 Workshop closing


Abstracts of talks and posters are available here.

Registration and submission of abstracts

Registration to the workshop is free as long as places are available.
The deadline for abstract submission was February 7th, 2018. If you want to registrate for participation, please sent and e-mail to

Workshop venue

The workshop will be hosted in the lecture hall H52 at the WNGB building of the University of Regensburg. The lecture hall is easily accessible by public transport. For details, please check the University's web page.


The workshop is jointly organized by the GMDS/IBS working groups "Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics" (Klaus Jung, University of Veterinay Medicine Hannover; Holger Fröhlich, University of Bonn) and "Mathematical Models in Medicine and Biology" (Markus Scholz, University of Leipzig; Ingmar Glauche, University of Dresden), as well as Rainer Spang (University of Regensburg) who is also the local organizer.

Contact and local organization

Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung
Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bünteweg 17p, 30559 Hannover, Germany
Tel.: +49 511 953-8878

Prof. Dr. Rainer Spang
Institute for Functional Genomics
Statistical Bioinformatics, University of Regensburg
Am BioPark 9, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 941 943 5053


The workshop is funded by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)" and the "Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR)".